Halloween CandyHalloween is that sweet time of year when children enjoy dressing up in their favorite costume and go trick-or-treating collecting candy and treats from their friends and neighbors. The holiday of pumpkins and scary ghosts also marks the beginning of a holiday season ahead that brings more treats and desserts like Christmas cookies and fruitcakes.

Parents can take steps to keep their children’s teeth healthy during this time, explains Laurie Hyacinthe, DMD, Director, Pediatric Dental Medicine Residency at the Mount Sinai Health System and Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai.

“The best way to protect children’s long-term dental health is by limiting sugary snacks and encouraging good brushing habits every day,” says Dr. Hyacinthe.

“Eating sweets daily or multiple times a day can lead to cavities. It’s important to ration out the Halloween candy in a moderate and supervised way to help prevent dental cavities from occurring in the months ahead. Keep an eye on your child’s consumption. The key is to monitor when they eat candy, how much and how often. Parents should encourage candy as a special treat, and not a substitute for meals or snacks. These are good steps towards forming long-term healthy habits, says Dr. Hyacinthe.

Dr. Hyacinthe cautions that while all sugar is bad for teeth, certain kinds of candy can be more damaging than others like caramels, gum, and taffy. They are especially bad because they stick to the tooth’s surface for a long period of time,” she says.

Here are some other tips to keep Halloween a happy, healthy experience for all:

  • Discuss your expectations with your child before trick-or-treating. Lay the ground rules for how much candy can be eaten that night and in succeeding days.
  • Keep all candy in the kitchen and out of your child’s bedroom.
  • Try to avoid sticky and hard candy that can more easily lead to tooth decay.
  • Make sure your child brushes at least twice a day, particularly after eating sugary snacks on Halloween.
  • Encourage a lifetime of good brushing and flossing habits by serving as a good example in your home.
  • See your dentist twice a year for regular cleanings and check-ups.

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