Coughing Into Your Elbow Is A Good Idea … But For God’s Sake, Wash Your Hands

Everyone is still coughing into their elbow crook, but is it evidence-based? An article in DETAILS explained:

“Researchers have seen that a fair number of respiratory particles still escape into the surrounding air, even when an barrier like a tissue, sleeve, hand, or surgical mask is placed in front of the cougher’s mouth, … Plus, the droplets that sneak past cough-blocking barriers are the tiniest ones, which are light enough to hang around in the air for hours and small enough to penetrate your cube mate’s respiratory tract.”


Why Don’t Patients Remind Medical Professionals To Wash Their Hands?

I ask this question to every clinician examining me, doing a procedure on me, or drawing blood from me. Physicians. Dentists. Phlebotomists. Radiology techs. PTs.

And I prefer they wash their hands in front of me. Proper hand washing is the single most effective preventive medicine measure.

Bloomberg News article explained why it is important to remind clinicians to wash their hands. “Physicians shouldn’t take offense. We all can benefit from reminders about the basics. Years of education and expertise don’t mean that medical professionals aren’t human, and may sometimes forget a step in even routine procedures.”


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