Study Reveals Mechanisms that Activate Depression

New research at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai sheds light for the first time on how depression and emotional resilience operate on a molecular level. The findings, published in the December 4, 2014, issue of Nature, bring fresh perspective to an area that has eluded researchers for decades by outlining the mechanisms within cells that activate depression and laying the groundwork for new treatments. Current drugs for depression focus on neurotransmitters, or communication between cells, but identification of this novel biochemical pathway could pave the way for more effective drugs with very different mechanisms. (more…)

Mental Health Month: Pathways to Wellness

Depression. Bipolar disorder. Anxiety disorders. Post traumatic stress. Addiction. These are illnesses that are misunderstood by many and are surrounded by stigma. The negative perceptions that people have are far from reality. The fact is, these are real, treatable medical conditions just like diabetes or heart disease. They are not weaknesses or character flaw


Tips for Beating the Winter Blues

This post was adapted from information that originally appeared on

As we head into winter, the days are growing shorter, the weather is getting colder—and many people are bracing for the blues. It’s not uncommon to feel down around the winter holidays, so try the following tips to help lift your mood and fight off seasonal depression. (more…)

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