BOTOX Gains FDA Approval to Treat “Crow’s Feet”

As of September 11th 2013, BOTOX™ Cosmetic (onabotulinumtoxinA) received approval from the FDA for the treatment of lines extending around the corner of the eyes, commonly known as “crow’s feet.” Since its initial FDA approval in 2002, Botox has become incredibly popular for the treatment of facial lines and wrinkles, both on label (glabellar lines – the dreaded “11” seen between the eyebrows) and off-label (all the other lines and wrinkles on your face, including crows feet). Botox, along with its competitors and Dysport™ and Xeomin, are often referred to as “relaxing agents.” Technically, they are paralytic agents produced from sterile derivatives of Botulinum Toxin but most patients prefer not associate Botulism, toxins or paralysis with their face.


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